Friday, February 27, 2009

Environmental Vandals

Weed Talk: By Martin Chatfield Landcare Community Weed Officer Environmental Vandal Bluebell Creeper (Sollya heterophylla) This is another one of those West Australian native invaders over enthusiastically populating our bushland and gardens. It is an evergreen woody based twining climber with attractive blue flowers. In Victoria it is classified as an environmental weed. Plants smothers ground-flora and small shrubs, overtops low growing vegetation. It is hardy and adaptable, tolerating moderate frosts, partial shade or full sun and extended seasonal dry periods. While preferring lighter soils, plants will establish in heavier soils provided drainage is good. Birds are the main cause of spread by dispersing the fruit from near by gardens. In Victorian coastal woodlands thousand of seedlings emerge following fires or soil disturbance. This has become a popular widely used ornamental plant over the last 30 years available in nurseries, and is in danger of becoming more wide spread due to its disguise as a local native plant. To remove Bluebell Creeper it can be hand pulled to prevent regrowth ensure all roots are removed. Plants can be cut and painted with glysophate in spring or early summer letting the above canopy to die back. Where plants can not be treated immediately, seedlings can be prevented by severing vines at the base in spring and early summer before the fruit develops, as regrowth occurs undertake follow up control. Early detection is desirable and control to prevent further spread. Be aware of what you by at nurseries and markets it could be your next garden nightmare.

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