Thursday, October 31, 2013

Angled Onions leaving a sour taste

Angled Onion (Allium triquetrum) has been increasing in recent years along local roadsides, stream banks and bush land areas.  Thriving in damp areas and tolerating windy conditions, Angled Onion, (if left unchecked) has the potential to become even more common in South Gippsland.

For those not familiar with the plant, Angled Onion is a bulbous perennial herb growing 30- 50cm tall. It has bright green, limp, fleshy, pointed leaves with a strong onion smell when crushed and small, white, bell-shaped flowers, clustered at end of long, triangular stems from August to November. Each petal has a middle green line. The fruit is a round green capsule, 4- 6mm diameter, with black, oblong seeds presenting from September to December. 

Without adequate control, Angled Onion is capable of smothering and displacing native grasses and groundcovers by preventing seed germinating and subsequent regeneration. In addition, given that Angled Onion is seasonal and dormant leaving bare ground in summer, it increases the likelihood of soil erosion.  In agricultural situations, Angled Onion imparts a strong onion flavor and an unpleasant odor to dairy products and meat, making them unfit for sale. The weeds seeds are dispersed by water and ants. Seeds and bulbs are also spread by contaminated soil and garden refuse.

In terms of control, plants can be dug out ensuring that all bulbs, corms and rhizomes are removed. Remove small and scattered plants first and then target outer edges of larger infestations. Dispose of removed material by either burning in a very hot fire or seal in strong bags and take to the tip.

For larger infestations, treat using herbicide at the bulb exhaustion stage late winter to early spring as treatments outside this period do not provide the same degree of control. Brush Off and Pulse penetrant is effective (off label use).

If unable to spray, at the very least remove flower heads prior to seed set, using either a lawn mower or brush cutter. It may take several years to exhaust the bulb food supply. Continue cutting new growth and maintaining dense mulch.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Here come the bride


Winter in South Gippsland; the air is chilly, the rain is frequent, and Bridal Creeper is growing at a rate of knots!
Please be vigilant in controlling new outbreaks; keep a lookout underneath trees where seeds have been spread by birds. All underground tubers need to be removed in order for manual removal to be fully effective. Tubers can grow at some depth under the soil therefore using a small mattock to get leverage is the best way to go. All removed material should be double bagged and disposed of appropriately. Removed tubers have been shown to survive even without light for 2 years, therefore correct disposal is important.
For larger infestations, foliar spray using Brush Off (off label* in Victoria) from June to August up until flowering and prior to fruiting. If using Brush Off, care must be taken to avoid killing surrounding native vegetation.

Although Bridal Creeper is relatively common in Victoria, there is still potential for further spread.  Active control will reduce the chance of spread; and protect vulnerable native plants and animals in the process.  Now excuse me, I'm off to kick some (Bridal Creeper) butt!

Off Label * In Victoria off label use (not exceeding the maximum rate on the label) is permitted except for restricted chemicals requiring an ACUP e.g Grazon. Off label permits can be applied for at the DEPI or Australian Pesticide and Veterinary Medicines Authority. Off label use can be quite complex and it is recommended that enquiries be made in the first instance with the DEPI. The DEPI website does have good info on chemical use rules go to;

Monday, May 6, 2013

Broom taking up all the room?

It's no surprise as this plant prides itself on readily invading native vegetation; roadsides in particular are a favourite spot for broom to take hold.  There are a number of varieties of broom that are problematic to the Australian environment because they are toxic to stock, provide harbour for feral animals and they increase fire fuel loads.  Unfortunately for South Gippslanders we have 3 varieties of broom that fit this description to contend with; Flax Leaf Broom, Cape Broom and English Broom. Each variety has unique characteristics however they all exhibit the same distinct pea shaped flowers in spring that are bright yellow in colour.  There are a number of ways to control broom weeds, they can be pulled out by hand (if small enough), slashed, grazed treated with herbicide yet what is the best approach? To answer this question (and hopefully unearth the best techniques currently available) the Federal Government is hosting a series of workshops titled "Building Best Practice- for Brooms and African Boxthorn" and you're invited.  The workshop in West Gippsland is to be held in Pakenham on Friday the 17th of May 2013, 10am to 2pm.  RSVP's to National Brooms Coordinator, Matt Springall on 0427 536 138 or email to . Having dealt with broom first hand I will be going. If you are a land manager also dealing with broom or boxthorn then I hope that you will be there too!

Friday, April 5, 2013

Adios Indian Myna birds!

Eighty Indian Myna bird (myna bird) traps available for purchase through the South Gippsland Landcare Network (SGLN) have now been sold to landholders in the district. Making traps available for purchase is part of a campaign, (initiated by SGLN) to reduce myna bird numbers with the aim of protecting native birds and reducing productivity loses. 


The response to the campaign has been overwhelmingly positive. If the amount of public interest in myna bird control is anything to go by, myna birds had better look out- their days might be numbered! In the order of 140 calls or emails have been received by SGLN alone since February this year from people wanting to know where they can source a trap.


People's motives for myna bird control are diverse. Several fruit growers referred to the damage caused to crops. Those with chickens spoke of the constant battle to stop the blighters from eating all the chook feed.  Another common occurrence is the absence of native birdlife on properties inundated with myna birds.  All of these motives are valid and warrant action to be taken in reducing myna bird numbers.


Of those that purchased a trap through SGLN, several people have reported success with trapping which is inspiring to hear. One person in particular has reportedly trapped 27 myna birds, a fantastic effort so far.


There are no more myna bird traps are available for sale through SGLN however it's hoped that those who purchased a trap will be sharing theirs with their neighbours, as is already happening.  If you're keen on the idea of building your own trap, a copy of the design can be sent to you free of charge by contacting Landcare Project Officer, Kate Williams on T: 5662 5759 or E: 0428 317 928. Alternatively, myna birds traps can be purchased commercially for $65.00 from Mick at The Green Patch T: 0425 762 487. Servicing Bass Coast & South Gippsland or Raglan Gardens Nursery for $35.00, 7 Raglan Street, Sale T: 5144 4493.


The South Gippsland Landcare Network is encouraging those who purchased a trap to share the results of their control efforts. Visit for details or alternatively, email Landcare Project Officer, Kate Williams at to report your numbers trapped. Recording captured numbers is vital to determine the effectiveness of this control program and it inspires healthy competition between other trapping groups.


Tuesday, March 12, 2013

HELP! My neighbour isn’t doing their weeds!!

Good neighbours cooperate on a range of issues of mutual benefit – weeds, pests, fences etc. Coordinated action by neighbours is the most effective way of controlling weeds and pests that reduce the productivity of their land.
However, what can be done when your neighbour isn't doing their weeds? There can be many reasons for this. Your neighbour may be ignorant of his/her responsibilities to ensure control of noxious weeds. A simple discussion pointing out problem weeds/pests may be enough to motivate your neighbour to take action. Your neighbour may be an absentee owner and therefore hard to contact – a weeds calendar (available from SGLN office) placed in their letterbox may be a good start to informing them of their responsibilities. Your neighbour may be physically impaired in some way and might not have the resources to deal with their weeds – maybe an offer to assist with a backpack or two of poison may go a long way to developing cooperative relationships with your neighbour. When doing your roadside weeds put up signs that indicate the weeds have been sprayed – that lets everyone know you're on the job and maybe they should be too – lead by example. Be aware that your neighbours are likely to have different values, standards and expectations than you. Also, what you take for granted in managing your land might be completely unexpected for others. So, your first approach to a neighbour whose property has a weed problem is to go softly, softly. Nobody likes being yelled at and there can be a plethora of reasons why they haven't done their weeds.
So, you tried being nice and it didn't work? Read on….
Have accurate information- know the legal responsibilities for weed control
Weeds including ragwort, thistles and blackberry are plants that are classified as Regionally Controlled noxious weeds under the Catchment and Land Protection Act 1994. Under the Act, landowners have a legal responsibility to take all reasonable steps to control and prevent (not eradicate) the spread and growth of these weeds on their land and the roadsides that adjoin their land. However, certain roadsides are exempt (see update on responsibilities for roadsides following this article for details). In general, if the land is being leased, the person/s leasing the land is responsible for the control of these weeds and repair of fences. There is no legislation that governs the control of 'environmental' weeds such as agapanthus. Pointless taking a neighbour to task for a relatively small infestation when there is a massive problem further down the road. Tackle the big weed issues in your neighbourhood first – do not use a minor weed infringement to run personal vendettas, you will most likely NOT get support from enforcement personnel and will only create far bigger long term issues with your neighbour (e.g. getting them offside on weeds means that boundary fence you share that needs replacing may take a lot of time and angst). We don't have to love our neighbours but building mutual understanding and constructive relationships is always the best way to go, it's how rural communities survive and thrive.
Third party assistance
In situations where your neighbour rarely visits the property and/or you've had no success in contacting them over a period of time, (either because they can't be reached or they are non-receptive) third party assistance is available. A third party could be your local Landcare group or Network, local council or the Department of Primary Industries (DPI).
The DPI are responsible for enforcing weed control under the Act, hence they are often seen as 'the go to' place for reporting a lack of weed control. Yet given that weeds including ragwort, thistles and blackberry are widespread in the region how do they enforce reasonable control on every landowner in the region with the limited resources at their disposal?  The short answer is they can't therefore the DPI's efforts for enforcement must be prioritised. DPI's enforcement for regionally controlled weeds is increasingly being used to support the ongoing efforts of community groups like Landcare, by focusing on landowners who have persistently failed to meet the standards achieved by the concerted efforts of their neighbours.
In other words, a property should only be reported to the DPI once other means of community extension and support have failed to bring about control to a standard set by the community. I'm not suggesting that this is the right or wrong way of bringing about compliance but rather stating that this is the reality of, and rational behind the Departments enforcement programs for regionally controlled weeds.
The South Gippsland Landcare Network (SGLN) is in a position to provide community extension and support. Upon request, SGLN have an information pack that can be sent to your neighbour that contains information on where to get advice, weed identification, control strategies, funding opportunities and details of local weed control contractors. The pack also comes with a letter from the Community Weeds Taskforce (CWT) outlining landowner responsibilities with regard to noxious weed control. The pack comes from SGLN, so you don't have to feel like you've 'dobbed in a neighbour'. A record of each pack sent is kept by SGLN. This record constitutes as evidence for community extension and should the landowner persistently fail to control their weeds, SGLN will notify the DPI for compliance action to be taken.  
Many Landcare groups in the Network have hosted weed control field days and seminars with the aim of engaging and encouraging landowners to actively manage their land. One such day was hosted by the Poowong Landcare group in late 2011 demonstrating the community's willingness to offer support for the control of weeds. The Three Creeks Landcare Group in the Bass Coast Landcare Network area has initiated a program titled 'The Year of the Blackberry'. Events and programs like this demonstrate that the local community are doing their bit to help control weeds and when control doesn't occur in these areas, the DPI are more likely to step in.  
Legal action
Only after attempts to engaging, educate, request action and verification that your neighbour has weed issues as bad as any in your area should the matter be escalated to the DPI for legal action. If your neighbour is non-compliant with their obligations regarding regionally controlled weeds (and community support has been demonstrated and recoded) they may be served with a Directions Notice or Land Management Notice (LMN) from the DPI. The Directions Notice or LMN will direct them to take certain actions to control weeds on their property. If they fail to comply with the Directions Notice or LMN they may be liable for a penalty under the CaLP Act. In 2012/2013 the maximum penalty for a single offence involving responsibilities for the management of noxious weeds is approximately $30,000. Using legal action to resolve disputes over weeds is an expensive use of tax payer dollars and time-consuming, it should be seen as the last resort. A court decision is not only costly, but it produces a winner and a loser. The loser may never feel that the issue has been resolved. They have simply been ordered to stop doing whatever it was they were doing, and may still not understand why.
In summary
• Be proactive; set a good example on your property and talk to your neighbour - nicely.
• If this fails, seek third party assistance in the form of your Landcare group or Network, local council or the DPI. Think about what field days, workshops or weed related events would be useful in your area and make them happen. It could be as simple as a one hour community lesson on how to calibrate spray equipment- something new landowners might be unfamiliar with.
• If the issue remains unresolved following third party assistance/attempts at community support and extension, the matter may need to be referred to the DPI for legal action.  
Update on responsibilities over roadside weeds
A proposed amendment of the CaLP Act 1994 is due to come into effect mid-way through this year that will see:
• Councils responsible for the control of noxious weeds on council and undeclared roadsides in Victoria
• VicRoads remain as the responsible authority for the control of noxious weed on declared roads in Victoria
In the interim, there is still a legal responsibility for landowners to take all reasonable steps to control and prevent the spread and growth of blackberry, ragwort, thistles and other regionally controlled noxious weeds on their land and the roadsides that adjoin their land. This does not apply however to a roadside which is;
(a)  A freeway or an arterial road within the meaning of the Road Management Act 2004; or
(b)  Crown land held under a lease or licence by a person other than the land owner; or
(c)  Land exempted from that subsection by a special area plan; or
(d)  Crown land in a national park or park within the meaning of the
       National Parks Act 1975 or in a protected forest within the meaning
For information regarding this article or for third party assistance from the South Gippsland Landcare Network please contact Kate Williams, South Gippsland Landcare Network Project Officer on 5662 5759 or email
Article by: Mark Uren, Community Weeds Taskforce- Chiar and Kate Williams, South Gippsland Landcare Network- Project Officer

Friday, February 8, 2013

Myna problem

In 2005 Indian Mynas (Acridotheres tristis) won the Australian public
opinion title of 'Most Hated Pest'. Beating cane toads, feral cats
and foxes hands down- now that's saying something. They are also
ranked as one of the 100 species listed as the world's most invasive
by the World Conservation Union. Indian mynas (myna birds) have
spread throughout eastern Australia since being introduced in the

With the label of 'Most Hated Pest' what is it about myna birds that
make them so disliked by people and a threat to the environment?
There are many reasons; they are aggressive and territorial in their
quest to out compete native birds and animals for food and habitat.
Using superior numbers they seek out nesting hollows of native birds
and animals and harass them to the point of eviction. Although they
only lay in one nest per year, myna birds build and defend several
nests during the breeding season excluding native birds and animals
from those nesting sites in the process. In rural and agricultural
areas they are increasingly damaging fruit trees, crops, grains and
stock feed. In South Gippsland alone several wineries and orchards
have reported damage to crops caused by myna birds.

Myna birds also pose a health risk to humans from bird mites and
faeces due to their habits of closely associating with human
activities. Nests are built out of sticks, straw and whatever else can
be found including paper, plastic and other waste material. This is a
particular problem when they choose to build nests in roof spaces and
cavities as it presents a fire risk and an entry point for bird mites
into houses.

Many people (myself included) dislike myan birds simply because their
noisy. They congregate to feed at various public places and in doing
so provide a background noise that makes being there all the less
enjoyable. That shrill chirp, chirp, chirp noise when you're about to
eat lunch at an outdoor café is enough to make you throw your hand up
and gesture "GO AWAY BIRD!"

With their 'pest' status justified, what is being done to control
them? In Victoria the myna bird is not a declared pest under the
Catchment and Land Protection Act 1994 nor is it a protected species
by law. The Department of Primary Industries does not consider it
reasonable to impose the lawful responsibility of control of Indian
Mynas upon all landowners when it is unlikely to result in the desired
outcome of 'eradicate or control or prevent its spread in the wild'
(the requirements that must be satisfied to be able to declare a
species under the Act) (DPI, 201). Therefore a person (at their
discretion) may capture and/or destroy these birds by appropriate
legal humane methods.

Myna birds are intelligent and can be difficult to control however if
myna control is your beef, the use of cage traps is the most commonly
deployed technique. For information relating to trapping myna birds
visit the Canberra Indian Myna Action Group Inc. website at Keep in mind that in accordance with the
Prevention of Cruelty of Animals Regulation 2008 SECT 35, a
confinement trap (such as a Myna trap) must not be set or used on any
land, except with the consent of the owner or occupier of the land,
or, in the case of Crown land, the manager of the land. Once captured,
the Regulations consider them in your care and you are responsible for
the trapped bird's welfare. Please make sure you provide food, water
and shade for the birds whilst they are in the trap, do not leave them
in the trap overnight and handle them gently when removing them. The
trapped myna bird must be humanely euthanized using methods approved
in Victoria as soon as is reasonably possible.

A control program should also aim to reduce the damage caused by myna
birds, eradicate local isolated populations, prevent opportunities for
myna birds, and reduce their potential to reproduce. Many local
councils and communities throughout Australia are working together to
reduce myna bird populations. Preventing myna birds from colonising
new areas is considered the best approach to contain populations, and
in areas where myna birds are already established, experts recommend
controlling myna birds in key locations and around assets such as
biodiversity values, near roosting sites, and in urban backyards
(Invasive Animals CRC and FeralScan 2011).

Tips for reducing myna bird problems (source: MynaScan, Invasive
Animals CRC and FeralScan 2011)
In most instances, a few simple modifications to our own behaviour and
habits can reduce opportunities for myna birds:
• Plant open canopy species to reduce communal roosting options
• Feed pets indoors or after dark
• Seal off potential entry points to your roof to reduce nesting options
• Cover food and use bins with lids
• Do not leave food scraps unattended in picnic areas
• Remove uneaten pet food and cover food containers
• Plant native vegetation in landscaping, gardens and open spaces.
• Remove access to poultry and stock feed
• Regularly clean outdoor eating areas around shops, restaurants and cafe's
• Keep informed and tell your friends about these simple solutions.

There are various myan bird control programs currently running in West
Gippsland, contact your local Landcare Network to find out whether
there are any formed groups operating in your district. If you live
in the South Gippsland area contact Project Officer, Kate Williams on
5662 5759 or email to find out where you can
source a trap or to share knowledge, skills and experience in
controlling mynas.

Bye for now,